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The Way We Work

Unicorn Primary School is part of Mosaic Schools Learning Trust. We opened in 2003, accepting 30 reception aged children and, through phased development, grew year-on-year becoming a full one-form entry primary school in 2009. From 2010, we have been accepting 60 children into our reception year group and we have continued to grow year-on-year until 2016, when we became a full two-form entry primary school. 

Our school is an inspiring place to be. We are fortunate enough to be able to boast that we are a rural school in an urban setting. We are situated just off South Eden Park Road and our grounds not only adjoin a nature reserve but also enjoy views over a lake. We work hard to ensure that this exciting outdoor location plays as important a part of our learning environment as the school building itself. Planting has been ‘zoned’ to match the different world continents and our playground is home to three rather large dinosaurs, an African hut and seating pavilion that overlooks the lake.

In addition to the amazing location in which our school is set, each of our classrooms has been furnished to provide bright, attractive learning environments. Information technology systems are an integral part of the school design with interactive whiteboards, tablets and laptops in each year group. Wireless technology is available throughout the school. In addition, our modern building includes a large well-equipped hall, six shared learning areas and an attractive modern library that adjoins a quiet internal courtyard.

Access to the school is via a footbridge over a stream thus ensuring the children’s safety. In addition to the tarmac and grassed playing areas directly attached to the school we also have the luxury of a large playing field.